作为维护者,您可能希望接受对您工作的捐赠,尤其是当您需要为自己的托管/开发基础设施付费时。以下是一些您可以根据自身情况进行调整的文字,并将其用于您的软件包的网站、README 或您认为有用的任何地方。
We appreciate contributions of any size -- donations enable us to spend more time working on the project, and help cover our infrastructure expenses. If you'd like to make a small donation, please visit url1 and do it through payment-service. Since our project isn't a tax-exempt organization, we can't offer you a tax deduction, but for all donations over amount1, we'd be happy to recognize your contribution on url2. We are also happy to consider making particular improvements or changes, or giving specific technical assistance, in return for a substantial donation over amount2. If you would like to discuss this possibility, write to us at address. Another possibility is to pay a software maintenance fee. Again, write to us about this at address to discuss how much you want to pay and how much maintenance we can offer in return. If you pay more than amount1, we can give you a document for your records. Thanks for your support!
我们不推荐任何特定的支付服务。但是,GNU 开发人员不应使用需要他们签署专有软件许可的服务,例如 Google 的支付服务。请避免使用需要用户运行非自由软件才能捐赠的站点。(这包括 JavaScript 软件,因此请尝试使用 LibreJS 或禁用 JavaScript)。
自由软件基金会(FSF)可以为有限数量的项目收集捐款;如果您想为您的项目提出此建议,请发送电子邮件至 [email protected]。FSF 需要监督这些资金的支出。
当然,鼓励人们加入 FSF(https://www.fsf.org)或进行一般捐赠也是很好的,无论是代替软件包的特定捐赠还是与软件包特定捐赠一起进行。